Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Mexican Dartwhite
Catasticta nimbice (Boisduval, 1836)

Family: Pieridae
Subfamily: Pierinae
Identification: Upperside cream-tan with thick black veins; wide black outer margins surrounding cream-colored spots.
Wing Span: 1 3/4 - 2 1/4 inches (4.5 - 5.7 cm).
Life History: Males perch and patrol for females. Caterpillars feed in groups. Pupae are found in groups on tree trunks and look like bird droppings.
Flight: All year in Mexico.
Caterpillar Hosts: Parasitic mistletoes - Phoradendron velutinum in Costa Rica.
Adult Food: Nectar from Fuscia, Lantana, and Senecio in Costa Rica.
Habitat: Semi-deciduous mountain forests, forest edges, streamsides
Range: Costa Rica north to Mexico. Rare stray to the Chisos Mountains of west Texas
Conservation: No recommendations.
NCGR: G4 - Apparently secure globally, though it might be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
Management Needs: Not required for rare stray.
Comments: NULL
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