The Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) project is indebted to thousands of individual citizen scientists who participate in data collection and review. Nearly all of the sighting data and photographs available on the BAMONA website are submitted by volunteers who take the time to share and document their sightings. Volunteer regional coordinators are responsible for data quality control and general scientific oversight, and many coordinators put in hundreds of hours of volunteer time each year. Kelly Lotts and Thomas Naberhaus develop the database and website, coordinate data compilation, develop policies, answer questions from users, and facilitate the work of the coordinators.
Our volunteer regional coordinators are central to the BAMONA project. These experts provide valuable quality control for data collection by reviewing each submitted sighting before it is published in the database. Below is a list of all active and former coordinators. We can always use more help! Find out how you can become a coordinator.