Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

Forty-two Minnesota butterfly and moth records

Forty-two Minnesota butterfly and moth records were added to the database, including Vanessa atalanta (Koochiching County, Allan Meadows), Vanessa virginiensis (Koochiching County, Allan Meadows), Acronicta americana (Ramsey County, Amelia Belden), Antheraea polyphemus (Ramsey County, Amelia Belden), Archieris infans (Cass County, Andrew Birch), Deidamia inscriptum (Jackson County, Jason Martineau), Eumorpha pandorus (Hennepin County, Jason Martineau), Sphinx vashti (Jackson County, Jason Martineau), Nymphalis antiopa (Hennepin County, Jennifer McVay), Antheraea polyphemus (Nicollet County, Julie Roush), Antheraea polyphemus (Dakota County, Keith Harvego), Antheraea polyphemus (Hennepin County, Laura Finazzo), Catocala cerogama (Hennepin County, Laura Finazzo), Hemileuca nevadensis (Dakota County, Lauren Wustenberg), Hyalaphora cecropia (St. Louis County, Lori Manthei), Antheraea polyphemus (Crow Wing County, Naomi Stenberg), Smerinthus cerisyi (Crow Wing County, Naomi Stenberg), Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Hennepin County, Shannon Moncada), and twenty-four from Tom Middagh. (MN-19June10)

New North Carolina butterfly records

Seventy-four North Carolina butterfly records were added to the database from submitters A. Hayes, Alan Kneidel, Ali Iyoob, B. Ogburn, Beth Brinson, Bo Sullivan, Clyde Sorenson, David Campbell, Dennis Burnette, Derb Carter, Ed Corey, Edmund Taylor, Gail Lankford, Gary Phillips, Gene Schepker, Harry LeGrand, Jim Nottke, John Wilson, Ken Bridle, Lori Owenby, Lynn Smith, Matt Daw, Mike Turner, Nancy Baldwin, Paul Scharf, Randy Emmitt, Salman Abdulali, Scott Hartley, Simon Thompson, Steve Hall, Ted Wilcox, and Will Cook. (NC-2009records-15May10)

Ten Oklahoma butterfly and moth records

Ten Oklahoma butterfly and moth records were added to the database: Epargyreus clarus (Atoka County, Jim Arterburn & Ken Williams), Pholisora catullus (Roger Mills County, Matthew Van Den Broeke & Cynthia Whittier), Erynnis funerealis (Atoka County, Jim Arterburn & Ken Williams), Erynnis funerealis (Major County, Jim Arterburn), Amblyscirtes nysa (Cherokee County, Jim Arterburn), Amblyscirtes belli (Pontotoc County, Jim Herndon), Satrium ontario (Pontotoc County, Steven Hunter), Chlosyne nycteis (Atoka County, Jim Arterburn & Ken Williams), Phyciodes phaon (Cimarron County, Jim Arterburn), and Erynnis funeralis (Choctaw County, Anna Bennett). (OK-19July10)