Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

340 new California butterfly records

Three hundred and forty California butterfly records were added to the database from submitters A. F. Ludtke, A. Fish, J. Steen, A. Miller, Arthur Shapiro, C. Hageman, Charles Sekerman, D. Parkinson, David L. Eiler, Derham Giuliani, Floyd & June Preston, J. A. Steen, G. Pratt, J. Johnson, J. T. McBurney, Jack Vaughn, James A. Scott, James R. Mori, John F. Emmel, John G. Pasko, Ken Davenport, Ken Davenport, Ken Hansen, Laurence Crabtree, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, R. C. Gardner, R. Coyle, R. R. White, S. Weiss, R. Robertson, R. Skalski, R. V. Kelson, Ralph Wells, Richard P. Meyer, Robert Langston, D. Parkinson, Ron H. Leuschener, Sterling Mattoon, Tom Dimock, W. D. Patterson, W. P. Sochor, Wayne Dawes, William L. Swisher, and Xerces Society. (CA-3Feb10)

Sixty-two new Pennsylvania butterfly records

Sixty-two Pennsylvania butterfly records were added to the database: Polites origenes (Adams County, Bob Moul), Nymphalis vaualbum (Armstrong County, Curt Lehman), Erynnis horatius (Beaver County, Jim Monroe), Eurytides marcellus (Beaver County, Jim Monroe), Hesperia metea (Carbon County, Bill Grant), Calycopis cecrops (Carbon County, Bill Grant), Amblyscirtes vialis (Carbon County, Bill Grant), Hesperia sassacus (Carbon County, Corey Husic), Polygonia faunus (Centre County, H.M. Tietz (1952)), Lycaena hyllus (Clarion County, Jerry McWilliams), Limenitis arthemis (Cumberland County, Jennifer Taggart), Satyrium edwardsii (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Satyrium caryaevorum (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Calycopis cecrops (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Satyrodes eurydice (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Achalarus lyciades (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Nastra lherminier (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Poanes zabulon (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Euphyes vestris (Dauphin County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Celastrina serotina (Erie County, Jerry McWilliams), Celastrina serotina (Erie County, Jerry McWilliams), Callophrys niphon (Forest County, Jim Monroe), Phoebis sennae (Indiana County, Marcy Cunkelman), Asterocampa celtis (Indiana County, Marcy Cunkelman), Speyeria atlantis (Indiana County, Ryan Woolwine), Coenonympha tullia (Lebanon County, Mark Swartz), Calycopis cecrops (Lebanon County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Libytheana carinenta (Lebanon County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Chlosyne nycteis (Lebanon County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Satyrodes eurydice (Lebanon County, Ferster et al. (2008)), Aglais milberti (Lehigh County, Corey Husic), Boloria bellona (Lehigh County, Bob Bouman), Nymphalis antiopa (Lehigh County, David Wright), Erynnis brizo (Lehigh County, David Wright), Erynnis juvenalis (Lehigh County, David Wright), Hesperia sassacus (Lehigh County, David Wright), Danaus plexippus (Lycoming County, Allen Schweinsberg), Ancyloxypha numitor (Lycoming County, Allen Schweinsberg), Euphyes vestris (Lycoming County, Allen Schweinsberg), Enodia anthedon (Lycoming County, Allen Schweinsberg), Pyrgus communis (Monroe County, Corey Husic), Phyciodes batesii (Monroe County, Max Rothke (1906)), Thorybes bathyllus (Monroe County, Max Rothke (1906)), Enodia anthedon (Northampton County, Bill Grant), Cercyonis pegala (Northampton County, Bill Grant), Thorybes bathyllus (Northampton County, Bill Grant), Enodia anthedon (Northampton County, Bob Bouman), Enodia anthedon (Northampton County, Bill Grant), Eurytides marcellus (Northampton County, Steve Boyce), Battus philenor (Snyder County, Cathy Brouse), Junonia coenia (Snyder County, Cathy Brouse), Callophrys augustinus (Snyder County, Ben Coulter), Polites origenes (Somerset County, Curt Lehman), Lycaena phlaeas (Sullivan County, Bill Grant), Pieris virginiensis (Sullivan County, Harry Henderson), Satyrium caryaevorum (Sullivan County, Richard Boscoe), Limenitis arthemis (Union County, Allen Schweinsberg), Enodia anthedon (Union County, Allen Schweinsberg), Satyrium caryaevorum (Warren County, Shelby Heeter), Papilio cresphontes (Warren County, Chuck Conaway), Satyrodes appalachia (Washington County, Chuck Tague), and a second Satyrodes appalachia (Washington County, Chuck Tague) . (PA-16Jan10)