Species account updated
Submitted by BAMONA on Mon, 2009-03-23 11:52The Exposed Bird-dropping Moth (Acontia aprica) species account was updated.
The Exposed Bird-dropping Moth (Acontia aprica) species account was updated.
The Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva punctella) species account was updated.
The species account for Microcrambus elegans was updated.
The species account for the Confused Eusarca (Eusarca confusaria) was updated.
The species account for Crambus agitatellus was updated.
As of today, the database contains:
245,320 records
4,273 species
2,203 images
The species account for Conchylodes ovulalis was updated.
Red-fronted Emerald (Nemoria rubrifrontaria) species account updated.
The Red-bordered Emerald (Nemoria lixaria) has been added to the database, along with one record from Kentucky. (KY-17Mar09)
Four new moth photographs were added to the database:
Dowdy Pinion (Lithophane unimoda)
Iris Borer Moth (Macronoctua onusta)
Bethune's Pinon (Lithophane bethunei)
Spiny Looper (Phigalia titea)