Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

New Minnesota butterfly and moth records

Eleven Minnesota butterfly and moth records were added to the database: Nymphalis antiopa (Crow Wing County, Rev. Deborah Celley), Thymelicus lineola (Itasca County, Earl Orf), Callosamia promethea (Itasca County, Tom Middagh), Eumorpha achemon (Murry County, Ryan Middagh), Euphyes dion, Papilio glaucus, Catocala amatrix, and Catocala parta (Nobles County, Tom Middagh), Euptoieta claudia (Ottertail County, Micheal Graham), Catocala nebulosa (Rice County, Lida King), and Speyeria aphrodite (Roseau County, Julie Verworn). (MN-13Oct09)