Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

New Indiana butterfly and moth records

Fourteen Indiana butterfly and moth records were added to the database: Actias luna (Marion County, Matt Grieser), Actias luna (Jackson County, Misty Hawkins), Apatelodes torrefacta (Henry County, Cindy Wright), Atteva punctella (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Euchaetes egle (Lake County, Kathryn, Brian, and Helen Conran), Euchaetes egle (Clark County, David Calhoun), Eumorpha pandorus (LaPorte County, Vera), Eurytides marcellus (Clark County, David Calhoun), Hyphantria cunea (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Manduca sexta (Marion County, Sarah E. Rubin), Parasa indetermina (Tippecanoe County, Nikki VanDerLaan), Prochoerodes lineola (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), Scopula limboundata (Elkhart County, Miriam Eck), and Speyeria cybele (Clark County, David Calhoun). (Downer-16Oct09)