Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

308 new California records

Three hundred and eight California butterfly records - mostly Speyeria, Polygonia, and Euphydryas species - were added to the database from contributors Al Rubbert, Bill Gendron, Bruce & Bret Boyd, Chris Henne, David L. Bauer, Dick Young, E. Stanford, Floyd & June Preston, Floyd & June Preston, Homer Edgecomb, Homer Edgecomb, J. D. Eff, J. W. Tilden, Jim Brock, Tom Emmel, John F. Emmel , John G. Pasko, John H. Masters, John S. Garth, Keith Brown, Ken Davenport, L. Martin, C. Ingham, L. Paul Grey, Michael Leski, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, Phil Nordin, Ralph Wells, Randy Emmitt, Ray Stanford, Richard P. Meyer, Robert L. Langston, Sterling Mattoon, Thomas Davies, Tom Blevins, and W. Burdick. (CA-10Nov09)