Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of Florida

100 Most Recent Sightings in Florida

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Most Recent Sightings in Florida

See more recent sightings in Florida

Observed: Jul 29, 2024
Submitted by: grade.lush
Verified: Jul 30, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun

Black-dotted Spragueia
Spragueia onagrus

Observed: Jul 27, 2024
Submitted by: ridgeboy
Verified: Jul 29, 2024
Verified by: curtis.lehman

Gulf Fritillary
Agraulis vanillae

Observed: Jul 26, 2024
Submitted by: LeSose
Verified: Jul 29, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun

Polydamas Swallowtail
Battus polydamas

Observed: Jul 26, 2024
Submitted by: Legomom13
Verified: Jul 29, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun

Polydamas Swallowtail
Battus polydamas

Observed: Jul 25, 2024
Submitted by: Zengolfer944
Verified: Jul 29, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun
Observed: Jul 25, 2024
Submitted by: jrfleullan
Verified: Jul 29, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun
Observed: Jul 24, 2024
Submitted by: Bugfae
Verified: Jul 24, 2024
Verified by: curtis.lehman

Stained-glass Moth
Samea castellalis

Observed: Jul 23, 2024
Submitted by: Bugfae
Verified: Jul 24, 2024
Verified by: curtis.lehman

Southern Pearly-eye
Enodia portlandia

Observed: Jul 23, 2024
Submitted by: kericson
Verified: Jul 24, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun
Observed: Jul 17, 2024
Submitted by: KShell
Verified: Jul 18, 2024
Verified by: curtis.lehman

Fiery Skipper
Hylephila phyleus

Observed: Jul 17, 2024
Submitted by: Kigeliakitten
Verified: Jul 21, 2024
Verified by: John Calhoun

Pandorus Sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus

Observed: Jul 13, 2024
Submitted by: kericson
Verified: Jul 13, 2024
Verified by: curtis.lehman