Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of Georgia

100 Most Recent Sightings in Georgia

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Most Recent Sightings in Georgia

See more recent sightings in Georgia

Laudable Arches
Lacinipolia laudabilis

Observed: Jun 16, 2024
Submitted by: alexthegreat
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Apatelodes torrefacta

Observed: Jun 15, 2024
Submitted by: Freddie Lariscey
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap
Observed: Jun 09, 2024
Submitted by: AshleeBerry
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Wavy-lined Heterocampa
Heterocampa biundata

Observed: Jun 09, 2024
Submitted by: Michelleb2462
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

One-Spotted Variant
Hypagyrtis unipunctata

Observed: Jun 08, 2024
Submitted by: Michelleb2462
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Tulip-Tree Beauty
Epimecis hortaria

Observed: Jun 08, 2024
Submitted by: Michelleb2462
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Cabbage White
Pieris rapae

Observed: Jun 08, 2024
Submitted by: Grismo
Verified: Jun 09, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Creole Pearly-eye
Enodia creola

Observed: Jun 03, 2024
Submitted by: Phil.Delestrez
Verified: Jun 09, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Spiny oakworm moth
Anisota stigma

Observed: Jun 02, 2024
Submitted by: Matthewbm2002
Verified: Jun 09, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus

Observed: May 27, 2024
Submitted by: alexthegreat
Verified: Jun 17, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Eyed Paectes Moth
Paectes oculatrix

Observed: May 26, 2024
Submitted by: sedges
Verified: Jun 09, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap

Yellow-haired Dagger Moth
Acronicta impleta

Observed: May 26, 2024
Submitted by: sgjennin
Verified: Jun 09, 2024
Verified by: Mikelchap