Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of Ohio

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Most Recent Sightings in Ohio

See more recent sightings in Ohio

Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilus

Observed: Jul 14, 2024
Submitted by: mikeminium
Verified: Jul 16, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner
Observed: Jul 12, 2024
Submitted by: groehm
Verified: Jul 13, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner
Observed: Jul 12, 2024
Submitted by: Lpet
Verified: Jul 12, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Silver-spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus

Observed: Jul 11, 2024
Submitted by: EMB
Verified: Jul 13, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Imperial moth
Eacles imperialis

Observed: Jul 10, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified: Jul 11, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Royal Walnut Moth
Citheronia regalis

Observed: Jul 10, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified: Jul 11, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner
Observed: Jul 09, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified: Jul 10, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilus

Observed: Jul 09, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified: Jul 10, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Rufous-banded Crambid Moth
Mimoschinia rufofascialis

Observed: Jul 07, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified: Jul 11, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Promethea silkmoth
Callosamia promethea

Observed: Jul 07, 2024
Submitted by: Kristylardomita
Verified: Jul 07, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

Pearl Crescent
Phyciodes tharos

Observed: Jul 06, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified: Jul 06, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner

The Wedgling
Galgula partita

Observed: Jul 05, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified: Jul 06, 2024
Verified by: rogerdowner