Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

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This interface is designed to let users explore the Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) database.

Please note that any use of BAMONA data is subject to the project's Terms of Use, which includes the BAMONA Data Use and Attribution Policy. Please review this policy.

Scientists who wish to create a custom query and downloadable dataset can contact us to request a data scientist account. Additional fields are stored in the database but are not displayed here.

full or partial, scientific or common name
regions are joined with an AND operator
E.g., July 03, 2024
E.g., July 03, 2024
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Record Number Scientific Name Observation Date Verified Date Specimen Type Region(s) Data Source
1195184 Limenitis arthemis arthemis Jul 23, 2018 Nov 23, 2018 Photograph Canada
1192283 Pontia occidentalis Aug 06, 2018 Oct 16, 2018 Photograph Nunavut
1151454 Boloria polaris Jul 09, 2014 Jan 13, 2018 Photograph Nunavut
1133641 Antepione thisoaria Aug 11, 2017 Apr 03, 2022 Photograph Canada
994151 Boloria chariclea Jul 07, 2013 Jul 25, 2014 Photograph Canada
994150 Colias nastes Jul 17, 2013 Apr 26, 2022 Photograph Canada
