Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

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This interface is designed to let users explore the Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) database.

Please note that any use of BAMONA data is subject to the project's Terms of Use, which includes the BAMONA Data Use and Attribution Policy. Please review this policy.

Scientists who wish to create a custom query and downloadable dataset can contact us to request a data scientist account. Additional fields are stored in the database but are not displayed here.

full or partial, scientific or common name
regions are joined with an AND operator
E.g., October 21, 2024
E.g., October 21, 2024
Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
Record Number Scientific Name Observation Date Verified Date Specimen Type Region(s) Data Source
1376316 Papilio canadensis Feb 10, 2024 Feb 14, 2024 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1333496 Catocala neogama Jul 15, 2022 Jul 20, 2022 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1301426 Ennomos subsignaria Jul 08, 2021 Jul 20, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1301425 Iridopsis ephyraria Jul 08, 2021 Jul 20, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1301424 Pachysphinx modesta Jul 03, 2021 Jul 19, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1301421 Malacosoma americanum Jul 07, 2021 Jul 19, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1299714 Nymphalis antiopa Jun 29, 2021 Jul 16, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1296992 Grammia virguncula Jun 25, 2021 Jun 29, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1294813 Choristoneura rosaceana Jun 14, 2021 Jun 14, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
1291641 Amphion floridensis May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021 Photograph United States
Wadena County
423786 Zerene cesonia Aug 07, 1983 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423763 Boloria bellona Jul 29, 1979 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423759 Boloria bellona Aug 07, 1977 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423742 Speyeria atlantis Aug 07, 1983 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423696 Feniseca tarquinius Aug 07, 1983 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423670 Cupido comyntas Aug 07, 1977 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423649 Enodia anthedon Aug 10, 1988 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
423612 Lycaena helloides Jul 07, 1983 Mar 11, 2008 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
410065 Satyrodes eurydice Jul 29, 1979 Apr 02, 2007 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
410060 Cercyonis pegala Jul 29, 1979 Apr 02, 2007 Specimen Wadena County
United States
Tom Middagh
285283 Plebejus saepiolus unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
285247 Amblyscirtes hegon unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
285231 Amblyscirtes vialis unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
285085 Cupido amyntula unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
284859 Hesperia sassacus unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
284324 Euchloe olympia unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
284212 Glaucopsyche lygdamus unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
284010 Callophrys niphon unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
283984 Callophrys polios unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
283359 Chlosyne gorgone unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
282858 Satyrodes appalachia unknown Dec 31, 2004 Historical United States
Wadena County
USGS - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
