Observation date: September 24, 2015
Submitted by: Jon Rapp
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Measured 12mm TL. Photographed within 40 feet of Cottonwood tree. ID provided by Michael Sabourin, who referees MPG pages on Olethreutine. Apparently there are records for Indiana, Illinois, South Carolina, Colorado, so this one is not just found in the N.E., Canada or California. No current images in Plate Series for this species on MPG, so this will be submitted to them. Only 1 set of images in BugGuide for any location, this represents first Data for Missouri: http://bugguide.net/node/view/1209792
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Phillip E. Koenig
Verified date: April 14, 2016
Coordinator notes: There is one record of a collected specimen from Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri and 4 records from the city of St. Louis.