Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1150534

Ira Hairstreak
Michaelus ira

Observation date: December 23, 2017
Submitted by: Paul Prappas
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Found perched high on an Esperanza bush along Bentsen-Palm Drive. There's no taxonomical listing for this species in BAMONA. While looking for Marius, Strophius and Yojoa Hairstreaks, I photographed this slightly faded, rather darkish Hairstreak with a single white broken band on VFW and a double broken white band that runs down hindwing past two orange spots. Didn't fit Marius or Strophius, so I emailed my 2 photos to Mike Rickard who confirmed that these photos are of a Shadowed Hairstreak. Mike found first US record back in November of 2015, during a group outing to Hugh Ramsey Park, Harlingen. That sighting was eventually confirmed by Andy Warren, McGuire Center as a "Michaelus ira". (Range: Mexico to Argentina & southeastern Brazil). This past fall, the species was again found by Mike and others along Bentsen-Palm Drive. Beyond this, I've no idea what information there is on this fairly new US species. But assuming this is legit, wanted a record in BAMONA....
Status: Unknown
Verified by: BAMONA
Verified date: February 16, 2018
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): Hidalgo County, United States, Texas

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