Observation date: August 11, 2020
Submitted by: Christian.Nunes
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: One female prospecting for ovipositing sites on blooming Spreading Buckwheat (Eriogonum effusum) early in the evening (first two photos). A male (last photo) was found perched on another Spreading Buckwheat (E. effusum) a few meters away. I'm not 100% sure these are proper coloradensis so would appreciate any input from reviewers.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: October 27, 2020
Coordinator notes: Christian, these are rita for sure, and that's the finest distinction BAMONA makes. I spent the month of August trying to get better acquainted with rita coloradensis in NW NM and I feel much better about my ID skills vis-a-vis Euphilotes ellisi, for example, but I confess that subspecies level taxa such as pallescens or emmeli still baffle me, so I can't be of any great help there. I do think that the FW checkering, which is weak to absent in your photos, is consistent with rita coloradensis. I find upperside shots to be more helpful, but I know they are not always available. thanks for the ID on the buckwheats, too.