Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Bean-lead Skeletonizer
Autoplusia egena (Guenée, 1852)

Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Plusiinae
Identification: Ground light brown, dark reddish-brown with coppery iridescence between AM & PM ● Coppery iridescent patch below PM, both extending to apex ● Orbicular spot, ovate and reniform oblong, faint ● ST black, bidentate ● HW dull fuscous, lighter basally.
Wing Span: 3.4-4.0 cm
Life History:
Flight: Multivoltine, with adults flying all year
Caterpillar Hosts: This polyphagous species can find suitable host plants at different times of the year, including hollyhock, celery, carrot, larkspur, soybean, mallows, marigold, spearmint, groundsel and verbena.
Adult Food:
Habitat: This tropical, non-diapausing species occurrs in North America, where the climate is appropriate for continuing generations. In warm seasons it migrates into the California Central Valley, producing several generations before colder weather arrives.
Range: Florida, New Mexico, California, possibily Texas and Arizona (unconfirmed), and south to tropics
Management Needs:
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