Observation date: July 06, 2014
Submitted by: Cheri Phillips
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: August 10, 2022
Coordinator notes: Your photo is quite dark however, the size and shape of the comma on the underside is sufficient to make up for the rest of the wings that are not very discernable...on the Hoary Comma the comma in the middle of the hindwings is a small like a boomerang and smooth on each end...on the Satyr Anglewing, the comma is slightly more "C" shaped and the ends with distinct serifs. I think you will see this clearly if you study your photo. Although the Hoary Comma is found on the high plains along the Front Range, it is a much more common butterfly in the mountains (and the Satyr occurs there also). Mike