Observation date: August 06, 2021
Submitted by: amparrish15
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Charlie Doggett
Verified date: August 21, 2022
Coordinator notes: Diasia Clearwing suggested by the observer is Ithomia diasia which this photo does not match with all the white spots. The best match in my opinion is this White-spotted Greta or W-S Clearwing, Greta annette. The top of the wing is similar to Greta andromica and Pseudoscada timna but not the lower portion. In my research, nothing else has those white spots. --- later--- Well, this new ID was suggested and I agree with it, thus changing to Oleria vicina. --- Now later again, 10 Feb 2025, it is again labeled "misidentified" (without a suggested species) and I have searched 4 books and multiple websites with iNaturalist having the most matches for this being Oleria vicina. Thus I am leaving it here for now. If marked misidentified again I will just have to click "Cannot Identify." And oh yes, I downloaded the photo, lightening it for better comparison but no way to upload that improved photo here. And also, note that iNaturalist has sightings in multiple locations of Costa Rica.