Observation date: September 09, 2023
Submitted by: Marta Reece
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Near the bottom of the Big Dry Canyon, almost to Johnson's Cabin. The creek was running well. It was late in the season for these guys.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: October 12, 2023
Coordinator notes: Marta, I am struggling with this ID, so please read my comments here and get back to me if you think necessary. From your notes I suspect you think this is Large R-S, which it may be, but I lean toward Bronze R-S. Here's why. Are these photos all of the same individual? the extent of bronze coloring seems to vary with the angle of the wing, but all show more orange/bronze than one would expect from Large R-S. on the other hand, the best ventral does show the median HW spot jutting out, per Large R-S, though the spot is small and Bronze R-S exhibits something similar. was this a little large for a R-S? or standard size? If this is Large, R-S, then this would be a late record for the species and a confirmatory second record for Catron County (the only one with data). thanks!