Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Great Basin Fritillary
Speyeria egleis (Behr, 1862)

Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Heliconiinae
Identification: Upperside bright to dull orange-brown with dark markings evenly spaced. Underside of hindwing has triangular, silver submarginal spots; other spots small with brown edging; spots may or may not be silvered.
Wing Span: 1 3/4 - 2 3/8 inches (4.5 - 6 cm).
Life History: Males patrol during the day for females, who lay eggs on leaf litter near violets. First-stage caterpillars hibernate unfed until spring, when they feed on violet leaves.
Flight: One brood from late June-August.
Caterpillar Hosts: Violets including Viola adunca, V. nuttallii, V. purpurea, and V. walteri.
Adult Food: Flower nectar.
Habitat: Mountain meadows, forest openings, exposed rocky ridges.
Range: North Dakota southwest through Oregon to California, south to Colorado.
Conservation: Not usually of concern but subspecies tehachapina has a very small range and could be devastated by a single event. Speyeria egleis tehachapina has The Nature Conservancy rank of T3 -Very rare or local throughout its range or found locally in a restricted range (21 to 100 occurrences). (Threatened throughout its range). Speyeria egleis as a whole has the The Nature Conservancy Global Rank of G5 - Demonstrably secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
Management Needs: Monitor subspecies tehachapina and evaluate for conservation action.
Comments: NULL
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