Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Beet Webworm Moth
Loxostege munroealis (Leraut, 2005)

Family: Crambidae
Subfamily: Pyraustinae
Identification: forewing fringe scales black, contrasting with thin yellowish band along outer margin; ground color yellowish-brown with patchwork pattern of light and dark blotches; PM line very wavy, with a pale area distal to the line where it meets the costa; at rest, outline of moth is triangular
Wing Span: 2.4-2.9 cm
Life History:
Flight: May to September
Caterpillar Hosts:
Adult Food:
Habitat: fields, gardens, waste places
Range: Manitoba to Texas and westward; sporadic eastward to the New England states
Management Needs:
Taxonomy Notes: Loxostege munroealis Leraut, 2005, n. sp., Nouv. Rev. Entomol., 22(2): 134, includes as a synonym [5004] Loxostege sticticalis of authors, not (Linnaeus, 1761). "True" L. sticticalis is a Eurasian species extralimital to North America.
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