Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Corn Earworm Moth
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie, 1850)

Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Heliothentinae
Identification: Forewing yellowish tan with variable reddish brown, olive green, or gray markings and shading. Reniform spot usually filled with dark gray. Hindwing whitish with dark gray veins and border, with surrounds whitish patch at midpoint of outermargin.
Wing Span: 3.2-4.5 cm.
Life History:
Flight: May - December, several broods.
Caterpillar Hosts: Larva (Corn Earworm or Bollworm or Tomato Fruitworm) is a pest of corn, cotton, tomato, and tobacco. The caterpillar feeds on the outer end of the ear beneath the husk.
Adult Food:
Range: Widespread.
Management Needs:
Comments: Genus changed from Heliothis in 7/2009 as per Hugh McGuinness.
Often confused with HeliOcoverpa, a misspelling.
Alternate Scientific Names:
Heliocoverpa zea
Heliothis zea
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