Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterfly, Moth, and Caterpillar Photographs from Arizona

Displaying 5551 - 5700 of 7748 photographs

Family Noctuidae

Subfamily Heliothentinae

Subfamily Agaristinae

Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes bimaculata Two-spotted Forester Moth
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Alypiodes geronimo Geronimo Forester
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth
Euscirrhopterus cosyra Staghorn Cholla Moth

Subfamily Diphtherinae

Diphthera festiva Hieroglyphic Moth
Diphthera festiva Hieroglyphic Moth

Subfamily Condicinae

Family Erebidae