Butterflies and Moths of North America

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Vermont Butterfly Survey (VBS) Data Explorer

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Learn more about the Vermont Butterfly Survey.

Displaying 529 - 576 of 31635

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 567437
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 567471
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Faccio, Steve
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Juniper Hairstreak
Callophrys gryneus

Record number: 563378
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 567480
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Griggs, Scott; Griggs, Rachael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Cabbage White
Pieris rapae

Record number: 584373
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

Record number: 592323
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Record number: 570127
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Mustard White
Pieris oleracea

Record number: 582258
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Mustard White
Pieris oleracea

Record number: 582398
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Record number: 570150
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Faccio, Steve
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Cabbage White
Pieris rapae

Record number: 584347
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Cabbage White
Pieris rapae

Record number: 584370
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Sawyer, Susan
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Eastern Pine Elfin
Callophrys niphon

Record number: 563573
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 567620
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 567621
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States
Record number: 576369
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis

Record number: 580598
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Verified by: Pavulaan, Harry
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Northern Cloudywing
Thorybes pylades

Record number: 590595
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Griggs, Scott; Griggs, Rachael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis

Record number: 580639
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pavulaan, Harry
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

American Copper
Lycaena phlaeas

Record number: 578597
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Sawyer, Susan
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Northern Azure
Celastrina lucia

Record number: 563797
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pavulaan, Harry
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Tawny-edged Skipper
Polites themistocles

Record number: 586812
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 584766
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 584786
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Cabbage White
Pieris rapae

Record number: 582761
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: Atwood, Jon
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus

Record number: 580848
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: Atwood, Jon
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis

Record number: 592759
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Record number: 574651
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Common Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes vialis

Record number: 562281
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 585144
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Griggs, Scott; Griggs, Rachael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Arctic Skipper
Carterocephalus palaemon

Record number: 593470
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Red-spotted Purple or White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis

Record number: 576760
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: Atwood, Jon
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Little Wood-Satyr
Megisto cymela

Record number: 579173
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Arctic Skipper
Carterocephalus palaemon

Record number: 593508
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Faccio, Steve
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Arctic Skipper
Carterocephalus palaemon

Record number: 593533
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 585095
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 585096
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Atwood, Jon
Verified by: VBS staff
Region: Windham County, Vermont, United States

Arctic Skipper
Carterocephalus palaemon

Record number: 593419
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes

Record number: 581015
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia

Record number: 566415
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Hoag, David
Verified by: Hoag, David
Region: Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States

Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria selene

Record number: 563042
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 585280
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Sawyer, Susan
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Record number: 585281
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Sawyer, Susan
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes

Record number: 581447
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Verified by: Osborne, Neil and Sharon
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States

Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Record number: 575112
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Sawyer, Susan
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Record number: 575116
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Schumacher, Michael
Verified by: Pfeiffer, Bryan
Region: Washington County, Vermont, United States

Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Record number: 575004
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Tal, Arieh
Verified by: Tal, Arieh
Region: Lamoille County, Vermont, United States

Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Record number: 575023
Observation date: Jun 09, 2002
Record by: Faccio, Steve
Verified by: McFarland, Kent
Region: Orange County, Vermont, United States