Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Recently Verified Sightings

This page displays the most recent user-submitted butterfly and moth sightings that have been verified by collaborating regional coordinators. You can also see these sightings on a map.
Access a species profile by clicking on the scientific name link. Additional information about each sighting is available by clicking on "Details."

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Displaying 1 - 67 of 67

Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilus

Observation date: Jul 14, 2024
Submitted by: mikeminium
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 16, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Summit County

Silver-spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus

Observation date: Jul 11, 2024
Submitted by: EMB
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 13, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Franklin County

Eastern Pine Elfin
Callophrys niphon

Observation date: May 24, 2024
Submitted by: CincyJeff
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 13, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Adams County

Black Witch
Ascalapha odorata

Observation date: Jul 12, 2024
Submitted by: groehm
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 13, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Van Wert County
Observation date: Jul 12, 2024
Submitted by: Lpet
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 12, 2024
Region: Sandusky County, Ohio, United States

Rufous-banded Crambid Moth
Mimoschinia rufofascialis

Observation date: Jul 07, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 11, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Royal Walnut Moth
Citheronia regalis

Observation date: Jul 10, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 11, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Guernsey County

Imperial moth
Eacles imperialis

Observation date: Jul 10, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 11, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Guernsey County

Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilus

Observation date: Jul 09, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 10, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Lucerne Moth
Nomophila nearctica

Observation date: Jul 09, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 10, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Promethea silkmoth
Callosamia promethea

Observation date: Jul 07, 2024
Submitted by: Kristylardomita
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 07, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Pearl Crescent
Phyciodes tharos

Observation date: Jul 06, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 06, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Lake County

Common Checkered-Skipper
Burnsius communis

Observation date: Jul 05, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 06, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

The Wedgling
Galgula partita

Observation date: Jul 05, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 06, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Northern Broken-Dash
Wallengrenia egeremet

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Wild Indigo Duskywing
Erynnis baptisiae

Observation date: Jun 28, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Delaware Skipper
Anatrytone logan

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Northern Broken-Dash
Wallengrenia egeremet

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Gray Hairstreak
Strymon melinus

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui

Observation date: Jul 02, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County
Observation date: Jul 03, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Pipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenor

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes

Observation date: Jun 28, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Orange Sulphur
Colias eurytheme

Observation date: Jun 28, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Horace's Duskywing
Erynnis horatius

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

American Snout
Libytheana carinenta

Observation date: Jun 27, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Summer Azure
Celastrina neglecta

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Tawny Emperor
Asterocampa clyton

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 05, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Wavy-lined Zanclognatha Moth
Zanclognatha ochreipennis

Observation date: Aug 13, 2023
Submitted by: Leslie Warren
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 04, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Mahoning County

Streaked Dagger
Acronicta lithospila

Observation date: Aug 13, 2023
Submitted by: Leslie Warren
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 04, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Mahoning County

Mottled Duskywing
Erynnis martialis

Observation date: May 01, 2024
Submitted by: tiki33wv
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 04, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Washington County

Early Zanclognatha Moth/Dark Zanclognatha Moth
Zanclognatha cruralis-obscuripennis

Observation date: Aug 20, 2023
Submitted by: Leslie Warren
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 04, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Mahoning County

Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Observation date: Jul 04, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jul 04, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: EMB
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Franklin County

Little Glassywing
Pompeius verna

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Little Glassywing
Pompeius verna

Observation date: Jun 25, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Delaware Skipper
Anatrytone logan

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Edwards' Hairstreak
Satyrium edwardsii

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Cloudless Sulphur
Phoebis sennae

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Atteva aurea

Observation date: Jun 25, 2024
Submitted by: Jessica Howell
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Greene County

Northern Pearly-eye
Enodia anthedon

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Common Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis pegala

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County
Observation date: Aug 30, 2020
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Eastern Tailed-Blue
Cupido comyntas

Observation date: Jun 24, 2024
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

American Copper
Lycaena phlaeas

Observation date: Aug 24, 2020
Submitted by: Benjamin Miller
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Knox County

Tuliptree silkmoth
Callosamia angulifera

Observation date: Jun 27, 2024
Submitted by: Nelson Mostow
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Cuyahoga County

Summer Azure
Celastrina neglecta

Observation date: Jun 11, 2018
Submitted by: Puccini
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 29, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Lucas County

Luna moth
Actias luna

Observation date: May 21, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 28, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Guernsey County

Polyphemus moth
Antheraea polyphemus

Observation date: Jun 26, 2024
Submitted by: Les in Ohio
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 28, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Guernsey County

Eastern Comma
Polygonia comma

Observation date: Jun 11, 2018
Submitted by: Puccini
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 28, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Lucas County

Morbid Owlet Moth
Chytolita morbidalis

Observation date: Jun 11, 2018
Submitted by: Puccini
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 28, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Fulton County

Rose Hooktip
Oreta rosea

Observation date: Jun 01, 2024
Submitted by: Leslie Warren
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Mahoning County

Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: EMB
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Franklin County

Red-Crossed Button Slug
Tortricidia pallida

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Virginia creeper sphinx
Darapsa myron

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Common Spring Moth
Heliomata cycladata

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Lunate Zale
Zale lunata

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Apatelodes torrefacta

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Io moth
Automeris io

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 23, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Sheppard's Plume Moth
Geina sheppardi

Observation date: Jun 16, 2024
Submitted by: Bowbender
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 22, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Ashland County
Observation date: May 23, 2024
Submitted by: Bowbender
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 22, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Ashland County

Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Observation date: Jun 22, 2024
Submitted by: Kristylardomita
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 22, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

Dimorphic Macalla Moth
Epipaschia superatalis

Observation date: Jun 18, 2024
Submitted by: NNing
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 21, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Geauga County

European Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba

Observation date: May 19, 2024
Submitted by: Steve Altic
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 20, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Franklin County

Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis

Observation date: Jun 19, 2024
Submitted by: TulipNatlPark
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: Jun 19, 2024
Region: United States, Ohio, Montgomery County

