Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Recently Verified Sightings

This page displays the most recent user-submitted butterfly and moth sightings that have been verified by collaborating regional coordinators. You can also see these sightings on a map.
Access a species profile by clicking on the scientific name link. Additional information about each sighting is available by clicking on "Details."

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis

Observation date: Jun 18, 2024
Submitted by: NitsirK
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: Gwiggins
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Baltimore Checkerspot
Euphydryas phaeton

Observation date: Jul 02, 2024
Submitted by: Gwiggins
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite

Observation date: Jun 30, 2024
Submitted by: Gwiggins
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: Gwiggins
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Observation date: Jul 01, 2024
Submitted by: MissaOwl
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jul 02, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Blinded sphinx
Paonias excaecata

Observation date: Jun 21, 2024
Submitted by: KARINENOWLAN
Verified by: Sue Gregoire
Verified date: Jun 22, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick
Observation date: Jun 16, 2024
Submitted by: NitsirK
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jun 17, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis

Observation date: Jun 14, 2024
Submitted by: Iryna
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jun 15, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Blinded sphinx
Paonias excaecata

Observation date: Jun 13, 2024
Submitted by: ABakedBean
Verified by: Sue Gregoire
Verified date: Jun 15, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

Observation date: Jun 11, 2024
Submitted by: Wonderfly24
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: Jun 11, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Pale Alder Moth
Tacparia detersata

Observation date: Jun 06, 2024
Submitted by: frosmoth
Verified by: Sue Gregoire
Verified date: Jun 07, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

Hobomok Skipper
Poanes hobomok

Observation date: Jun 03, 2024
Submitted by: frosmoth
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: Jun 05, 2024
Region: Canada, New Brunswick

