Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of Kansas

100 Most Recent Sightings in Kansas

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Most Recent Sightings in Kansas

See more recent sightings in Kansas

Achemon sphinx
Eumorpha achemon

Observed: Aug 26, 2024
Submitted by: James Steen
Verified: Aug 26, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Harnessed Moth
Apantesis phalerata

Observed: Aug 25, 2024
Submitted by: Greg Sievert
Verified: Aug 26, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Harnessed Moth
Apantesis phalerata

Observed: Aug 21, 2024
Submitted by: James Steen
Verified: Aug 22, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Regal Fritillary
Speyeria idalia

Observed: Aug 19, 2024
Submitted by: bbroyles
Verified: Aug 20, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Rustic sphinx
Manduca rustica

Observed: Aug 08, 2024
Submitted by: royjbeckemeyer
Verified: Aug 12, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Western Giant Swallowtail
Papilio rumiko

Observed: Aug 01, 2024
Submitted by: SShane
Verified: Aug 07, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Snowberry Clearwing
Hemaris diffinis

Observed: Jul 25, 2024
Submitted by: James Steen
Verified: Jul 25, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Cross-lined Waved
Timandra amaturaria

Observed: Jul 23, 2024
Submitted by: madisongritton
Verified: Jul 24, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Pipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenor

Observed: Jul 23, 2024
Submitted by: butterflybeulah
Verified: Jul 26, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Five-spotted hawkmoth
Manduca quinquemaculata

Observed: Jul 19, 2024
Submitted by: James Steen
Verified: Jul 20, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Magdalen Underwing
Catocala illecta

Observed: Jul 08, 2024
Submitted by: athena14zane16
Verified: Jul 08, 2024
Verified by: James Steen

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Observed: Jul 06, 2024
Submitted by: Puccini
Verified: Jul 15, 2024
Verified by: James Steen