Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of Montana

100 Most Recent Sightings in Montana

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Most Recent Sightings in Montana

See more recent sightings in Montana

Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

Observed: Aug 24, 2024
Submitted by: srhflsmck
Verified: Aug 28, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Lined Quaker
Apamea inficita

Observed: Aug 18, 2024
Submitted by: NikkiM
Verified: Aug 29, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Yellow-dotted Alpine
Erebia pawlowskii

Observed: Aug 10, 2024
Submitted by: NikkiM
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Field Crescent
Phyciodes pulchella

Observed: Aug 10, 2024
Submitted by: NikkiM
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Observed: Aug 10, 2024
Submitted by: NikkiM
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Mormon Fritillary
Speyeria mormonia

Observed: Aug 10, 2024
Submitted by: NikkiM
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Woodland Skipper
Ochlodes sylvanoides

Observed: Aug 03, 2024
Submitted by: srhflsmck
Verified: Aug 28, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Pale Crescent
Phyciodes pallida

Observed: Jul 31, 2024
Submitted by: ncrosbyrd
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau
Observed: Jul 29, 2024
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Verified: Aug 13, 2024
Verified by: davidwdroppers
Observed: Jul 29, 2024
Submitted by: A. Buckley
Verified: Aug 16, 2024
Verified by: davidwdroppers

Giant Sulphur
Colias gigantea

Observed: Jul 29, 2024
Submitted by: ncrosbyrd
Verified: Aug 29, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Observed: Jul 29, 2024
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Verified: Aug 15, 2024
Verified by: J_Martineau