Sighting 1013668
Observation date: September 18, 2014
Submitted by: D. Dodd
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: slightly smaller than other Apantesis observed on this date.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stomlins701
Verified date: September 24, 2014
Coordinator notes: According to a statement on, it is not possible to be 100% accurate in an id of 4 related species of Apentesis, all found in the area of this sighting. However, they state further that based on a preponderance of characteristics, a probable id can me made. This is what I have done for this sighting, and based on the characteristics of smaller size, the black on the forewing leading edge, and yellowish body color, I believe this is probably Apantesis carlotta – Carlotta's Tiger Moth. SAT
"There are no 100% consistent diagnostic characteristics in wing maculation or spots/no spots on the patagia (the "collar"), to reliably distinguish nais/carlotta/phalerata/vittata. The only full-proof method is dissection and examination of genitalia (the exception is in male phalerata, in which the valve is easily distinguished by its longer, up-curved apex. So one could brush the scales away from the last sternite and see it without dissection. The nais/carlotta/vittata group have rather blunt and rounded apices of the valve.)
However, within this group, using the sum of typical (although not necessarily diagnostic) characteristics, can allow for a reasonably probable species ID.
-- J.D. Roberts"
Checklist region(s): United States, Alabama, Marshall County