Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1124034

Observation date: July 03, 2017
Submitted by: RobertWeeden
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: At about 1900 feet elevation on open spruce forest with an understory of fairly tall (3-4 ft), thick dwarf birch. Flowering dogwood (Cornus Canadensis), blueberry, and Labrador tea also in abundance. Partly sunny and about 65 F with thunder clouds moving through - the vegetation was at that stage after a rain where most everything was dry except the blueberries which hold water drops for a long time. The moth would not let me get closer than about 6 feet. The white triangles were prominent as it flew and when it landed.
Status: Resident
Verified by: davidwdroppers
Verified date: October 12, 2017
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): Fairbanks North Star, United States, Alaska

     Sighting location
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