Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1144458

Small Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis oetus

Observation date: July 29, 2017
Date notes: Note camera on Pacific daylight time (9:23 am), photo taken on mountain time shown.
Submitted by: Varn
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Butterfly is on rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa) about 3 miles ENE of Oregon Buttes near South Pass Wyoming. Habitat is high elevation sagebrush steppe dominated by Artemisia tridentata and other Artemisia species. The butterflies were nectering on rabbitbrush which was common in the area. In about a half hour on the site I saw 20 to 30 individuals, both pictures are the same individual.
Status: Resident
Verified by: J_Martineau
Verified date: October 02, 2017
Coordinator notes: Lower eyespot on underside of forewing smaller than top and closer to margin. No PM band
Checklist region(s): Fremont County, United States, Wyoming