Observation date: October 10, 2017
Date notes: Found in garden border on dead leaf; wasn't sure it actually was a caterpillar, but when I returned from fetching my camera, it had already moved. Tried to peer under "shell," and it seemed there was a caterpillar-type body underneath.
Submitted by: Possum55
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Weather sunny, warm (mid-70s); found in garden border on a dead leaf; subsequently moved to a different leaf while I was off to get my camera... Plants in the border were lily-of-the-valley (mostly dead leaves), rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan), various day-lilies, all past blooming.
Status: Resident
Verified by: rosslayberry
Verified date: October 11, 2017
Coordinator notes: Look up on Google Advanced Search "Limacodidae larvae". You will see a collection of the strangest looking larvae imaginable, including this one. Ross Layberry