Observation date: July 18, 2018
Submitted by: Jill1229
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I found this caterpillar while working in the tree row on the back of my property. Trees in the area where I found the caterpillar include Green Ash, Lilac, and Golden Willow. The caterpillar was located on the ground between a Green Ash tree and a Lilac bush. The temperature was in the high 80's and was quite humid. I picked the caterpillar up to take some pictures and when I set it back on the ground it started burrowing into the ground. I have marked the spot where it burrowed into the ground in hopes that I can catch it emerging.
Status: Resident
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: August 13, 2022
Coordinator notes: Reasonably sure about this...I don't think it's P. modesta.