Observation date: August 06, 2018
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: up at top of canyon near Pass in meadow Taxonomic Report of Yosemite butterflies helps a lot thanks Ken Great Work Doing this Book! Thanks for giving up locations and sharing so much also thanks to you wife for all her help and support/! early am started seeing these 7am very cold but i chased them up or dogs tail probably did. pups have a lot of energy scaring everything from there roosts including Grouse! very dry in upper canyon mostly drying up everywhere but lots of desperate butterflies coming for nectar!
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: August 15, 2018
Coordinator notes: These are easy to ID, but for pegala and sthenele, it is always good to check the upperside as well-Ken Davenport