Sighting 1194920
Large Orange Sulphur
Phoebis agarithe
Observation date: November 17, 2018
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Got this little tree from a friend, Most of the leaves Blew off on the Way over to my house. Its New growth is very vigorous and i finally found a female ovipositing on it. There's so many eggs, Probably more than 100 and still they keep depositing more! Amazing especially since its getting to be late Nov. We have had very warm weather due to Santa Anna Winds, And Tragic Fires Continue. Its Commonly Stated in books and on line That this species Winters over as an Adult, We have lots of larva, Eggs, and Pupa. There are still adults flying by but mostly only on the warmer days. This is only the Second year that we have had the Host Plant for this Species. they have been Flying here at least since 2005 in orange County when we finally got a Photo of the Males. Females look very much like Cloudless sulphur when flying but when they land the horizontal line gives them away! The Male is such a deep orange yellow Topside, this flashes very Brightly when on the wing. Impossible to mistake for Cloudless! Ken Thank you for all your long hours and for teaching so many of us About The Science of Butterflies ! Especially me!
Status: Temporary Colonist
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: November 18, 2018
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): United States, California, Orange County