Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1199287

Ottoe Skipper
Hesperia ottoe

Observation date: June 20, 2012
Submitted by: Christian.Nunes
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I actually don't know what this is. It was a long time ago, too! I believed Sachem at the time because of the large glassy windows on the FW, but really the animal is very worn so that could be due to wear. Could it be a Polites themistocles or P. origenes? Seems to be too early for an Hesperia with an unmarked HW like H. ottoe, but the habitat would be appropriate.
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: March 27, 2019
Coordinator notes: This is a female Hesperia ottoe. The date (time of year) and the fact that you find A. arogos at the same site makes sense because arogos and ottoe use the same host grass, Andropogon gerardii (and so does Polites origines - you might get it there also). You can read all about ottoe in the skipper book too. Mike
Checklist region(s): United States, Colorado, Boulder County

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