Sighting 1199801
Ceanothus silkmoth
Hyalophora euryalus
Observation date: March 02, 2019
Date notes: Originally seen February 27th evening.
Submitted by: Picassobonaparte
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Was barbecuing at night and saw this thing out of the corner of my eye on the patio wall close to where I was barbecuing. The wall is white and I was shocked to be seeing some kind of feathery bird possibly a bat before I realized what it was. I was shocked by how large it was. Anyways I continued to barbecue while it warmed itself by the heat of the barbecue. Next day apparently the handy man discovered it behind the barbecue. Then today, Somebody remarked that the moth had died. This time it was on the patio floor soaked in water from the rain. I inspected it closer and it was actually still alive but heavily weighed down and barely able to move. I was afraid it was dead or going to die in that condition so I got two kitchen spatulas and carefully used them to scoop him onto a dish towel and took it inside. I asked for a blow dryer and warmed it up from far away careful not to burn it. After 5 minutes or so it dried out and it was able to flap its wings. I let him perch on my fingers and it flew to the slider door window. As far as I know it’s still there as I write this. I made sure to put a plate with water on it and and some crushed up grapefruit nectar.
Status: Resident
Verified by: ishaan2009
Verified date: October 31, 2021
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): United States, California, San Diego County