Sighting 1202770
Observation date: July 17, 2012
Submitted by: Geoff Hoetker
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Observed briefly on seacliff buckwheat (Eriogonum parvifolium), presumably feeding.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: mcduck
Verified date: June 04, 2022
Coordinator notes: How to distinguish between two species of Ctenucha, from BugGuide: :
Criteria used to move various posts within this complex, and why
Just so folks know, below are the criteria I used when I moved images within this "species complex":
1) If the images clearly displayed "white margins at the wing tips only" AND the patagia (definition here) were clearly "red with blue/black (interior) spots"...then I moved them to the C. rubroscapus node;
2) If the images clearly displayed "white margins along the entire wing margin" AND the patagia were "entirely blue/black"...then I moved them to the C. multifaria node;
3) Otherwise (e.g. if wing tips were white and entire patagia blue/black, or the entire wing margins white and patagia red-spotted, or some intermediate mix) I placed them at the species complex node.
I don't mean to imply that's the only way to go...but it seemed apropos to me given the traditional circumscriptions of each "species". If other editors would like to replace that scheme by another reasonable approach, that's fine with me!
To learn "why" I moved this post (and some others) within the "rubroscapus/multifaria" complex, see my "Two species or one" comment, further down in the comments thread here.
… Aaron Schusteff, 1 August, 2014 - 2:01am
Checklist region(s): United States, California, Monterey County