Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1211756

Bell's Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes belli

Observation date: June 22, 2019
Submitted by: Brad.Moon
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Note the tiny spot on the leading edge of the forewing slightly proximal to the three bigger spots, the reduced spotting at the apex of the hindwing, and the post-median spotting in a zig-zag formation on the hindwing, which all point to Bell's Roadside Skipper. I found and photographed this individual on the Kisatchie butterfly count. Jeff Trahan (count organizer) found and photographed a second individual within a few minutes of this sighting. Jeff Trahan and Craig Marks (Butterflies of Louisiana author) identified the species. This is probably the first record of Bell's Roadside Skipper in Louisiana.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: stomlins701
Verified date: June 25, 2019
Coordinator notes: the zig-zag pattern on hindwing and reduced frosting on top quarter of hindwing make me think this is Bell's. Possibly a stray or an isolated colony in LA.

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