Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1217083

American Snout
Libytheana carinenta

Observation date: July 08, 2019
Date notes: Raised this chrysalis found on my hackberry tree on July 8 2019 to an adult on July 13
Submitted by: Fay Cotton
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Seeing multiple couples and singles landing on my hackberry tree - exclusively, from around July 1 to present Trimmed a few twigs and found one caterpillar and one chrysalis on July 7. Raised the chrysalis to an adult for identification.
Status: Temporary Colonist
Verified by: jmgesell
Verified date: April 04, 2022
Coordinator notes: Great find! An uncommon migrant to the area - even less commonly establishes breeding colonies - but has been known to do so where the host plant Common Hackberry is found.
Checklist region(s): Canada, Quebec