Observation date: December 20, 2019
Date notes: I was getting ready to make dinner and found a little green caterpillar on my broccoli! We decided to keep it and feed it some broccoli and other fruits. We had a little container with holes at the top. I believe it stayed that way for two days but can't remember exactly. It created a little dark pupa and we're excited to think it could turn out to be a butterfly. On January 13th we realized it was a moth! Beautiful dark moth. We aren't sure what to do with it now and would like some advice. Seems to like the dark and hides inside the dry leaves.
I bought the broccoli in Bowie MD at the Aldi store.
Submitted by: colindresbunch
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: It has nub like feature on its back. Kind of like a broken branch on a tree.
Status: Resident
Verified by: rogerdowner
Verified date: January 16, 2020
Coordinator notes: None.