Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1241788

Observation date: January 20, 2020
Submitted by: Paul Prappas
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Found early in the morning coming to fruit that was put out mostly for visiting birds. Poor light and a faded individual makes the ID harder. I've considered "telamonius menus" and "brasiliensis sulanus". Not all Pale-Owl Butterflies have a prominent white patch on VFW, and I believe that the size of the dark HW patch and the wide, dark FW band support "telamonius" over "brasiliensis"
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Charlie Doggett
Verified date: June 28, 2022
Coordinator notes: None.
Checklist region(s): Costa Rica

     Sighting location
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