Sighting 1242961
Ceanothus silkmoth
Hyalophora euryalus
Observation date: February 25, 2020
Submitted by: Wooley
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I found this Silkmoth with its wings folded and injured on the asphalt by our hangar at Redlands Municipal Airport, Redlands, CA. Its wings were torn in multiple places, and they did not flutter for a several hours. It seemed like a leg may have been injured from lack of movement.
I placed it in a tray with leaves and branches for a more natural setting, and fed it sugar-water. It would slightly lift one wing defensively if sudden noises were nearby.
The morning weather was sunny and in the 60s°, and increased to 85° by 2:00pm. It was not windy. I did not have him in the direct sun.
I took him home in his tray around 2:00pm, and added fresh Lavender and Lantana flowers and leaves to his tray.
I also added a drop of honey and water.
By 4:15pm, it remained in its same position, but showed more wing movement by fluttering both wings for seconds (10-45sec.), intermittently.
By 6:30pm, I placed its tray in a shoe box with air holes cut into the lid to make it dark. It fluttered some, then settled.
Status: Resident
Verified by: ishaan2009
Verified date: October 14, 2021
Coordinator notes: Funny enough, this species of moth does not eat and relies on the fats in their abdomen. -Ishaan
Checklist region(s): United States, California, San Bernardino County