Observation date: June 01, 2020
Submitted by: w
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: On side of building where light left on all night.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Mark Wheeler
Verified date: January 28, 2021
Coordinator notes: First BAMONA sighting for MN.
Going with I. humaria for two reasons:
1) I. defectaria has never been reported in MN or WI on BugGuide, while I. humaria has, so geography favors the latter.
2) The black dots on the edge of the hindwing on this specimen are connected, which I see in photos of I. humaria but not I. defectaria. I haven't seen any ddoc that says that this is a key, but it's a consistent difference on the photos I've reviewed.
As usual, iNat says I. defectaria, while FieldGuide Leps says I. humaria. My Peterson Field Guide shows I. humaria but not I. defectaria, so it's no help. :-(