Observation date: April 19, 2021
Date notes: Exact date and time.
Submitted by: Joshua C
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I might be wrong about the ID, since I don't know that much about duskywings, but the blue on the wings looks to me most like a Sleepy Duskywing. The habitat it was seen is a narrow foothill canyon, with steep rocky sides. There is a small stream running through it, and most of it has dense vegetation, especially small willows. The butterfly was just fluttering around and landing on the ground.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: April 27, 2021
Coordinator notes: Joshua, Duskywings are tough, but I agree with your ID on this one. A similar species, Dreamy Duskywing, will be in flight soon, but higher, among the aspens. Thanks for submitting!