Observation date: May 14, 2021
Submitted by: Rozelle Wright
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Puddling in damp area created by leaking irrigation system from cemetery. Lots of oak trees around so suitable habitat for Sleepy Duskywing. I think the palps may be too short for Dreamy.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: May 19, 2021
Coordinator notes: Rozelle, this is definitely Sleepy (brizo), not
Rozelle, this is Sleepy (brizo) not Dreamy (icelus). The location of your sighting is oak habitat (brizo), not aspen habitat (icelus). As for diagnostic characters, I see short palps (brizo), not long (iceus). The gray at the "wrist" per Glassberg, seems restricted (brizo), not extensive (icelus), but I admit that is subjective. Gray rings at edges of abdominal segments are hard to read at that photo angle, but lean toward absent (brizo). The date can be indicative, but this spring has been very slow, so not helpful Dreamy should be higher, in the aspens, relatively soon.