Observation date: April 03, 2022
Submitted by: jamesvonloh
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This individual metalmark, with tattered wings, nectared from pricklyleaf dogweed flowers at the southern end of the main (upper) hiking trail on east-facing slope of Tortugas Mountain. This site is approximately one mile south of the type habitat and at higher elevation, within an ocotillo/mixed succulent plant community. It may be a recent migrant on its flight to the type site where approximately 15 metalmarks were observed on this day. The afternoon day was warm, moderately windy, and under full sun.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: April 05, 2022
Coordinator notes: I appreciate the detailed notes. this seems to be a female, based on the bulky abdomen, and her movements are probably motivated at least in part by the need to place eggs. maybe the first images of a female . . .