Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1323182

Garman's Quaker
Orthosia garmani

Observation date: April 29, 2022
Submitted by: robpendergast
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Yeah, I guess I let my excitement get the better of me, I know some ID’s can take months and some even years. iNat can be kind of sketchy in the aspect that anyone is able to validate records so the margin of error is greater than most databases, but overall I think it is fairly balanced. I need to go back at some point and double check some of the records I’ve weighed in on. I am glad you’re on there now, I know the website will benefit from your expertise! I did post the moths I submitted the other day to a Wi Butterfly and Moth page on FB and Kyle Johnson weighed in with some ID’s: 1322975 - Gray Quaker (Orthosia alurina); 1322980 - Ruby Quaker (O. rubescens) he noted the overall reddish color and bipectinate antennae; 1323001 - Garman’s Quaker (Orthosia garmani).
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ilona L.
Verified date: April 29, 2022
Coordinator notes: Excellent! It was very easy to locate the other moths to add the IDs using the record numbers. I ran into Kyle long ago on one the field trips led by the Wisconsin Entomological Society. I used to post on several FB moth pages years ago and found they were useful for getting IDs. So they have one for Wisconsin, now, too. I may have to take a look.
Checklist region(s): United States, Wisconsin, Portage County

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