Observation date: May 08, 2022
Submitted by: Joshua C
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Feeding near Travertine falls stream with many (at least 15) Rocky mountain duskywings. This was a bit smaller than the nearby rocky mountains if I remember correctly. I wasn't able to get any shots of the ventral side but the dorsal forewing color is different enough from the nearby duskywings to make me wonder if this is a different species. The two forewings are colored a bit differently so might the tan color on the wings just be wing damage?
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: May 14, 2022
Coordinator notes: thanks to your excellent notes, I can confidently call this Afranius, which is noticeably smaller that Rocky Mountain, with which it often flies in spring. As to the differences between the 2 forewings, I suspect you are correct that one is damages in some way. nice work!